
Found dog: German shepherd wandering along Montauk Hwy. in Bayport


A beautiful German shepherd dog found dangerously wandering along Montauk Highway in Bayport late this afternoon has yet to be reunited with his owner.

A passerby scooped up the handsome pooch near the Bayport Self Service Car Wash at 666 Montauk Highway. The good Samaritan reported that the dog “was calm … and came right to me when I called him towards me.”

“Found Dog” posts soon popped up all over local Facebook and the social media ap, Nextdoor.

“I brought him to a nearby vet, no microchip or ID tags,” reads the post shared by Mark DiLeo to the Community Help Facebook group page, which was later shared on the Sayville Community group. “They’re holding him for the night. Does anyone recognize him/her?”

DiLeo of Holtsville said he grabbed the dog’s chain-linked collar and that the dog jumped into his truck without hesitation. DiLeo was worried because he saw the dog run across Montauk Highway.

“I knew I had to do something,” he told

DiLeo’s fiancé Priscilla Begley, also of Holtsville, said she has joined many Facebook groups in an effort to get the lost dog back home.

“I don’t want to see him going to the shelter,” she told “We plan to pick him up tomorrow, so he has a warm home until we can find his owner.”

The above photos were posted by Mark DiLeo on Facebook.

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